From 1995 to 2012
Autism increased from 1 in 10,000

1 in 88

What is it in 2022?

1 in 36!

It Continues to Worsen!

Congress raised concerns about the rising rate of Autism and a connection to vaccines.
Listen as congress questions the CDC on vaccine safety and Autism.
Vaccines were the subject of discussion between Congress and the CDC and NIH in 2012 and in
2022 we now have answers. We have the scientific proof of the connection between vaccines and Autism.

At that time Thimerosal and Mercury had mostly been removed from vaccines. However, the problem persisted. Autism continued to rise with the introduction of the Hepatitis vaccine series in 1995. All newborns in the USA are being injected with aluminum in the hospital at 12 hours old. In 2016-2017 it became clear to scientists that the aluminum adjuvant was causing the problem but in 2012 no one knew that was the culprit. In 2000, Veterinarians discovered that aluminum adjuvants in Rabies shots were causing Leukemia and death in large numbers in cats and dogs .When they stopped using aluminum adjuvants the problem went away.

Not all vaccines contain aluminum.
The aluminum free vaccines are: MMR, Polio, Smallpox and Chickenpox.

The DTaP does contain aluminum as does Hepatitis, Influenza and others

Pfizer and Moderna Covid 19 are both aluminum free.



In 2016-2017 Professor Christopher Exley and his research group studied the brain tissues of children who died with a diagnosis of Autism. They found large amounts of aluminum in their brain tissue.

At that same time, Professor Lluis Lujan, a veterinarian of sheep in Spain had been asked to find out why large flocks were dropping dead after being vaccinated. His reports conclude that aluminum adjuvants were the cause. When the aluminum was removed the sheep had no problem.


Cancer Corner USA would like to answer some of the questions that were presented at the hearings with the CDC and NIH on vaccines and Autism.


Bill Posey, R. Florida 15th District Melbourne

Mr. Posey asked if the CDC was aware that Africa had never had a case of
Autism until they had been introduced to vaccines. There was no response from the CDC.

In 2012 Africa had a high rate of Hepatitis and the Hepatitis vaccine has aluminum adjuvants.

Our Answer

Mr. Posey you can see from the CDC chart that several groups don’t have
a Hepatitis event in their population: American Samoa, Hawaii, Alaska and Native American Indians, this group is known as Pacific Islanders and others.

Following the mandate for the Hepatitis vaccine (1998) you can see the dramatic increase rate in Autism on this chart from Easter Seals.

Autism state by state 1999-2015


Carolyn Maloney, D-New York 14th District

Ms. Maloney inquired what would account for a jump from
1 in 10,000 to 1 in 88 for kids with autism and could vaccines be involved. She did not receive a satisfactory answer and expressed her distrust of the denial that vaccines could be the problem.

Our Answer

In 2012 aluminum adjuvants might have been suspect but no studies
were conducted to investigate that aspect. In the 1990’s veterinarians from the University of Pennsylvania were alarmed by the large number of deaths in cats and dogs following the Rabies vaccination. They were dying from Leukemia and cancers. They found large amounts of aluminum in the tumors at the injection site. When they stopped using the aluminum adjuvants in the early 2000’s the problem went away. The report is on our web site.

In 2016/2017 Dr. Christopher Exley’s research confirmed large amounts of aluminum in the brains of autistic children who died with a diagnosis of autism. He reports that the level of aluminum found was some of the highest ever recorded. You can watch his video report on our web site.


Vern Buchanan, R-Florida 16th District Sarasota

Mr. Buchanan queried the number of vaccines necessary in the USA around 40 vs. the EU and again inquired if the vaccines could be related to autism.

Both the CDC and NIH said no. He mentioned the cost to the country for care of autism was about 137 Billion Dollars a year.

Our Answer

According to Autism Speaks the cost to the country by 2025 will be
416 Billion Dollars for Autism health care. We in the USA do something no
other country does; we vaccinate all newborns at 12 hours old in the hospital for Hepatitis and continue to vaccinate them all year long. These newborns are not a risk for Hepatitis. The mothers have all tested negative and have no other risk factors.


Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland 7th District*

*deceased (2019) and followed by Rep. Kweisi Mfume

Mr. Cummings was emotional as he pleaded for vaccine safety. He acknowledged people in the audience crying as they listed to the reports.

He called for a change in the childhood vaccine schedule.

Our Answer

We hope Mr. Kweisi Mfume will pick up where Mr. Cummings left off in
this cry for a change in vaccines. We must revisit the need for the Hepatitis series where there is no risk to the infant. We must not give combo shots.

We must remove aluminum adjuvants from all vaccines. If your veterinarian won’t give it to your pet, why would your pediatrician give it to your child?

Our Summary

Please don’t accept a vaccine with an aluminum adjuvant. Demand aluminum free vaccines

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